Mission Accomplished: the Park has been rezoned!

In 2019 it is more than a decade since the Southern Humboldt community was inspired to come together to secure this incredible piece of property and create a Community Park, a unique and valuable legacy for future generations. The community made significant contributions for the purchase of the land and historic buildings, and it is nearly paid for.  Now we have completed the rezoning and the Park can open its gates to the future.

In order for the Southern Humboldt Community Park to fulfill its mission, it was necessary to rezone 87 acres from Agriculture Exclusive (AE) to Public Facilities (PF) and change the land use designation for all 400 acres from Agriculture Residential (AR) 5-20 and Agriculture Land (AL) 20 to Public Recreation (PR). Approximately 320 acres remain in Agriculture Exclusive.

The 87 acre Public Facilities zone will remain mostly a natural area combined with agricultural uses. Within this zone spaces could be defined where people could come together for public gathering such as celebrations, events, workshops, fundraisers, weddings and organized sports and sporting events.

The change in land use designation to Public Recreation protects the land from future subdivision and allows low-impact activities to continue on the acreage zoned Agricultural Exclusive as well as the 87 acres with the new zoning of Public Facilities.

The Park board commissioned numerous studies by qualified, certificated experts covering a variety of topics, including sound, geology, biology, cultural and historic resources, wetlands, agriculture and soils. It has been more than a twelve year process of drafting an Environmental Impact Report for the Southern Humboldt Community Park’s zone change.

You can view our released EIR here. (Please note that this is a very large file, 854 pages including appendices)

Maintaining over 400 acres which offer over three miles of multi-use trails, a playground and picnic area, other recreational features, valuable wildlife habitat and an organic farm is a lot of work! The road to creating this multi-service regional park had many twists and turns but the Southern Humboldt community can be very proud of what it has accomplished!  

The Southern Humboldt community is finally able to have recreational amenities such as sports fields, improved walking, hiking and biking trail systems, dedicated areas with on site parking and public facilities for hosting special events and cultural events such as the annual Egg Hunt!

Non-Profit Related Documentation