How the Park is Managed

The Southern Humboldt Community Park’s primary goal is to administer careful utilization of park resources for the greatest community benefit. We recognize the importance of protecting current park resources for their own sake as well as to provide for future community needs.

Community planning sessions, commissioned studies of the land and its history, as well as observation of actual trends in park usage have all informed the development of the following stewardship priorities.

We hope these guidelines will provide an effective foundation for long-range stewardship planning. Park planning is an ongoing process.  We welcome your comments.

Priorities and Guidelines

Community Benefit:

  • Ensure the use of this property by the community in perpetuity
  • Create access for the community through a series of interpretive trails and picnic areas, linking to a regional trail system
  • Support community development and use of recreational areas and facilities
  • Reserve areas for public/community facilities
  • Support community use of a venue area for events

Protection of Natural Areas:

  • Preserve the open space features and scenic beauty
  • Prevent large-scale sprawling commercial and residential development

Agricultural Development and Conservation:

  • Promote a higher level of agricultural production than under past management
  • Protect the prime agricultural soils
  • Promote more intensive rather than extensive agricultural production
  • Encourage dry farming and water conservation
  • Encourage economically viable farming operations by providing basic infrastructure needs and administration
  • Facilitate cost-sharing among multiple farming user groups

Natural Resources:

  • Continued restoration and management of upslope forested areas
  • Continue to address legacy erosion problems
  • Protect historic landscapes, resources, and structures.
  • Protect archeological resources
  • Protection and restoration of riparian habitat for endangered fish and wildlife

Economic Development:

  • Promote the entrepreneurial spirit where it is consistent with our goals
  • Promote community values, health and economic development of the immediate area and region by providing additional safe, attractive and convenient recreational opportunities
  • Support continued operation of long-established, locally owned gravel operation providing valuable resources for the community.

Land Acknowledgement:

We humbly acknowledge and honor the Native Peoples whose ancestral homelands we are privileged to steward today. Through our partnership with the Wailaki Tribe, we honor their rich history and move forward together in solidarity toward a shared, thriving future. Collaborative ecological management projects create meaningful opportunities for Wailaki community members to reconnect with their traditional knowledge—embracing language, nutrition, medicine, cultural practices, and art. At the same time, these initiatives foster engagement and collaboration with non-tribal allies, strengthening mutual understanding and respect. Together, we honor the Wailaki people’s ancestral connection to this land, ensuring its care for generations to come.