The Community Farm located on site of SHCP is home to FarmSchool, an all ages, inclusive agrarian based after school program. The FarmSchool focuses on ecology, gardening, cooperative learning and mindfulness. This is an opportunity for SoHum kids and parents to gather, learn, play and strengthen our resilience as a community.
*FarmSchool is currently on-hold until further notice as community interest and support has been waning*
FarmSchool has recently developed a partnership with Friends of the Lost Coast bringing their curriculum to our program monthly. The Lost Coast Environmental Education Resource (LCEER) brings fun, hands-on learning about the environment to local schools. Teaching students about nature in their own backyard encourages the next generation of environmental stewards. This partnership creates a broad spectrum of offerings and rounds out our agrarian focus, teaching kids of all ages knowledge necessary to live in harmony with our delicate and evolving environment.
FarmSchool meets once a week March-November. A typical day at farm school starts with an opening circle, a mindfulness activity, a gardening or ecology lesson and activity, healthy snacks and free play on the farm. A dedicated group of parents, teachers, and volunteers help execute and teach farmschool weekly, making this a true grassroots movement.
With a focus on healthy living the FarmSchool also has veggie bags, seeds and gardening supplies available to families in need. In partnership with the Department of Health and Human Services the FarmSchool serves as an access point to sign up for CalFresh or receive assistance with necessary paperwork.
A schedule for Bird walks at the Park can be found on our Events page. You might also check for PSAs in the local papers and the North Coast Journal the week of a scheduled bird walk. The group always meets at Tooby Park, If you don’t know where that is, use these Directions . When you find the Park, stay on the highway for another 50 feet or so past the Main Entrance and turn right where you see the picnic tables at the edge of the river.