Skateboarders have visualized a ramp at the Park since the Park’s inception. Through the efforts of a number of volunteers spearheaded by Richard Barnick of Tsunami Surf and Sport, the first ramp was built in 2006. The current ramp, located in Kimtu, is a large wooden half-pipe. The pipe is 22 feet wide, 40 feet long and 4 feet high, with an 8 foot transition. It is open to the public during the Park’s open hours. The ramp is located in the Kimtu area of the park.
It is important to note that skateboarding, according to a California law passed in 1998, is an inherently “Hazardous Recreational Activity” (HRA). We therefore urge that all parents supervise their children closely at the ramp and that all ramp users follow these safety regulations, which are also posted at the ramp:
- All participants do so at own risk
- Safety equipment must be worn at all times: helmets and knee & elbow pads
- No drugs
- No alcohol
- Respect yourself and others
Skaters, including the Garbervillains Skate Club, as well as the Park Board, hope that someday the ramp can become a more permanent structure, perhaps a concrete ramp located closer to the playground at Tooby Memorial Park to better serve families wanting to enjoy both facilities.
Meanwhile, the ramp is located in the Kimtu section of the Park.
For more information, contact the Park office or the SoHumSkate Facebook page.